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725 Tanzanite Drive
Dubuque, IA, 52001
United States



We are a home bakery specializing in cupcakes and cheesecakes in Dubuque, Iowa with a simple philosophy that frosted n' filled, made from scratch and baked fresh to order is best!

Gluten Free/Vegan

"We are happy to offer gluten friendly and vegan cupcake options!. Please be advised that our facility is not a certified gluten free or dairy free kitchen and that while we offer these alternatives we do still use both dairy and gluten containing ingredients in other menu items."

We also offer gluten friendly cheesecake.  




  • Cupcakes: 12 for 44.00 (choose one flavor per dozen)

  • Flavors available for pre-order:

  • Sprinkles on vanilla cake with vanilla frosting

  • Oreo Cookies N’ Cream on chocolate cake or vanilla cake

Gluten friendly


  • 12 for 44.00 (choose one flavor per dozen)

  • Flavors available for pre-order:

  • Wedding Day on vanilla cake

  • Chocolate Sea Salt Caramel on chocolate cake

  • Sprinkles on vanilla cake with vanilla frosting

  • M&M Cookie Dough on vanilla cake


In addition to the vegan cupcakes listed above, Doc’s Brew (the plant based coffee shop located inside Frosted N’ Filled Bakery AND my daughters business:) offers vegan sweet treats available for pre-order!

Call 563-581-7962 or 563-581-9348 to order!